Prolonged Stress Can Cause Vision Loss

In this article, we will examine how increased stress and tension can precipitate health conditions that may result in damaged vision, as well as the natural methods you can employ to alleviate stress and protect against associated sight problems.

How Stress Can Cause Vision Loss

There are a number of ways prolonged stress can cause vision loss. Here, we examine two of the most common side effects of stress that can lead to affected vision.


Arguably, the most common condition connecting stress and sight issues is anxiety. Repeated exposure to high degrees of tension can cause the body to react by releasing increased concentrations of “stress hormones” such as adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream. These chemicals are designed to help individuals battling anxiety or facing other tense situations adapt to their circumstances and function properly.

In reference to the eyes, heightened stress can cause pupil dilation. Repetitive or excessive pupil dilation might elicit significant eye strain. Eye strain could manifest in a stricken person experiencing any one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Blurred Vision: An affected subject’s sight lines or the objects viewed in said sight lines are fuzzy or distorted.
  • Floaters: These are unusual images that appear in an impacted soul’s sight lines and float from space to space.
  • Flashes Of Light: An impacted person might see sudden bursts of light, especially when moving quickly or leaning down.
  • Light Sensitivity: Increased or bright light such as produced by sunshine might hurt the eyes.
  • Eyelid Twitching: One or both of the impacted person’s eyelids may experience frequent involuntary spasms.
  • Tunnel Vision: An individual’s peripheral vision may become obstructed and he or she may only possess the capacity to see what is directly in front of them.
  • Eye Moisture Disparities: Stress can cause the eyes to become either extremely dry or excessively wet and teary.

Anxiety-related eye strain typically causes mild manifestations of these symptoms and should dissipate once tension levels diminish. Though in most instances stress-related vision issues are not serious and or long-lasting, there are some more significant eye-based health problems that heightened tension could precipitate.

One such malady is central serous retinopathy. This illness occurs when excess fluid collects inside the retina (the part of the eye responsible for helping form viewable images). Eventually, this fluid places pressure on retinal blood vessels that might cause those structures to leak. Should this leakage be severe enough, numerous vision problems could transpire.

Stress may also induce migraine headaches. Aside from significant and pronounced discomfort on one side of an afflicted person’s head, these headaches may also cause serious light sensitivity and blurred vision.

Psychosomatic Issues

Prolonged Stress Can Cause Vision Loss 1The mind can be an all-powerful tool. Such a circumstance is especially true when it comes to the feeling of well-being. Many people who believe they are ill can and often do experience psychosomatic symptoms of a given ailment. A scientific study recently conducted found this to be true of those stricken with some previously diagnosed vision problem.

Natural Remedies For Alleviating Stress And Associated Vision Challenges

Fortunately, there are many natural methods people can employ to reduce their stress levels and any accompanying sight problems including:

Sitting Or Lying Down

Resting can be a critical to alleviating stress-related sight troubles. Sitting or lying down often enables the body to settle down. In addition, a still body allows the eyes to relax because they are not forced to focus on anything.

Avoiding Caffeine

Caffeinated beverages like soda and coffee are stimulants that elevate the heart rate and blood pressure and can result in increased tension levels.

Closing Your Eyes

Shutting one’s eyes enables the eye muscles to relax and may give the body a chance to release tension.

Practicing Breathing Techniques

Mastering various breathing techniques can help the body expel tension and induce a state of relaxation.

Spending Less Time On The Computer

Many people spend a great deal of time using technological devices like their phones or laptop computers. In certain instances, such as for work, said activity is unavoidable. However, the continued use of these devices can precipitate severe eye strain. Some physician and eye care experts suggest cutting down computer usage as much as humanly possible, particularly prior to bed.

Addressing Any Underlying Conditions

When stress exacerbates an already existing ailment such as migraines or central serous retinopathy, treating the problem could prove effective in alleviating or eliminating the associated vision difficulties. Some cases of serous retinopathy dissipate on their own. However, if significant leakage occurs, laser surgery might be indicated. Migraine headaches might be relieved through the use of various prescription medications.

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