Panax Ginseng: The King of Natural Energy Supplements

Panax ginseng is one of many species of ginseng found around the world recognized for its use in both traditional Chinese and western medicine. Derived from the lands of Eastern Asia and Russia, it is commonly referred to as Chinese or Asian ginseng—not to be confused with its American relative Panax quinquefolium. Panax ginseng is generally categorized in two forms, red and white, varying by age and processing requirements. Though we often see ginseng being used as an active ingredient in energy drinks, natural energy supplements and the like, this multi-beneficial plant goes far beyond energy, being used in the treatment of many illnesses and physical conditions including liver concerns, fatigue and more.

Panax Ginseng in Energy Supplements and More

This medicinal root has been nick named the “cure all” due to its role in the treatment of a number of concerns. Though panax ginseng may come in various consumable forms, it is important to remember that many over-the-counter supplements may not contain adequate amounts of genuine panax ginseng to be effective. Always consult a physician before attempting to self-diagnose or treat conditions without a recommended dosage and regimen. Below are a few conditions studied using panax ginseng as a treatment and preventative measure.

Ingredient Spotlight, Panax Ginseng Stress and Fatigue

Using panax ginseng in natural energy supplements for fatigue has been practiced for thousands of years in countries like China and Korea. Studies have shown that when compared with coinciding placebo testing, participants receiving genuine panax ginseng see notable benefits relating to energy and healthy cognitive function. It is also said to have calming effects, giving reason to its use for stress reduction.

Healthy Male Fertility 

Panax ginseng has been shown to have positive effects in relation to supporting healthy male fertility. Numerous studies suggest that ginseng can help support overall sperm health. Panax ginseng has also been shown to be beneficial to sperm preservation, improving outcomes in in-vitro fertilization.

Liver Health and Healthy Glucose Metabolism

Ingredient, Panax Ginseng Red ginseng has been recognized as an alternative remedy and preventative measure in a number of liver-related concerns. Its antioxidant properties are said to help combat oxidative stress to protect liver health. Only a few studies have been conducted to form a definitive conclusion in relation to ginseng’s effects on healthy glucose maintenance, or using panax ginseng as opposed to its American cousin panax quinquefolium. Those conducted do support claims that extracts from this medicinal root possess anti-oxidant and other properties that help maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels already within normal ranges.

Precautions and Side Effects

Be aware that not all side effects associated with the use of panax ginseng in natural energy supplements have been confirmed conclusively. Speculated side effects include difficulty falling asleep, rash due to allergic reaction and interference with prescription medication. Consult your doctor before using panax ginseng if you are pregnant or nursing, have a medical condition, or are on any medication.

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