Women’s Libido: More Complex Than Men’s Libido?

Human libido involves a complex interplay of neurotransmitters, hormones and signaling molecules. While men and women share many of the same physiological systems, the unique reproductive differences between men and women can lead to significant differences in libido and sex drive. The following guide explores several of the reasons why female libido is more complex than male libido.

Understanding Menstruation, Libido and Female Reproduction

Female LibidoUnlike men, women are only fertile for a few days each month. Because of this, the sexual drive can vary based on the body’s current reproductive state. When women are ovulating, they usually have a very high libido. During menstruation, libido usually decreases significantly. Until the next ovulation period, libido remains at a medium level. For men, libido remains at a high level all the time. Unlike women, men are capable of reproduction all the time. Males of all ages produce healthy, viable sperm. According to some reports, men as old as 85 are still capable of having children. For most women, it’s not possible to have children past the age of 50.

Women’s Libido and Age

Since women are only capable of reproduction at certain times of the month, the body tends to maximize libido when the odds of reproduction are the highest. This takes place during ovulation. During ovulation, a female’s egg is released from the ovaries, allowing it to be fertilized by a male’s semen. This is the only time during which a woman can become pregnant. While sexual activity before and after ovulation is safe and enjoyable for most women, the body is not producing the same levels of hormones to make sex as enjoyable. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) plays a critical role in women’s libido. Without this hormone, a woman’s libido will remain relatively low. As levels of this hormone increase, a woman’s labia will become engorged with blood, signaling her receptiveness. Once ovulation comes to an end, blood flow to this region will return to normal.

Other Factors That Impact Women’s Libido

Female LibidoHuman psychology also plays an important role in female libido. It’s important to understand that men and women have different levels of investment in the act of sex. For a man, it’s possible to have sex with multiple women without a significant investment in any particular woman. However, women have a much higher investment when they have sex. For a woman, reproduction is a nine-month, energy-intensive process. For a man, reproduction takes only minutes and requires minimal involvement. Because of this, the female brain is wired in a way that restricts sexual desire. Excluding STDs and legal consequences in the modern world, men can have sex with relatively few issues. However, pregnancy is a difficult process for women. Because of this, women restrict their sexual availability to men who are strong, healthy and capable of providing for offspring. Because of this, women’s libido involves a complex interplay of many different factors.

Health and Libido

Health issues can have a significant impact on women’s libido. If a woman has health issues like diabetes, libido can be impacted in a significant way. Since a healthy reproductive system is driven by many different hormonal signaling systems in the body, the failure or misalignment of any individual system can cause significant problems. In addition to diabetes, obesity and heart disease can also have an impact on women’s libido. Weight gain and even simply eating too much sugar can cause significant changes in the body’s ability to accurately regulate critical reproductive hormones. Since hormones like FSH are distributed over a larger body mass, they may not be available in the levels necessary to promote a strong, healthy sexual desire. Female Libido

Tobacco, alcohol and drug use can also have a significant impact on women’s libido. In many cases, smoking can reduce the amount of oxygen that circulates in the body. Over time, this can make it difficult for some women to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle. Alcohol impacts a number of physiological systems in the body. In particular, alcohol can have a significant impact on the regulation of estrogen. When an individual drinks alcohol, the body’s ability to produce estrogen is reduced significantly.

Solutions for Low Libido

In some cases, low libido might be a sign of a serious underlying health issue, which makes it necesssary to consult a physican. Other potential solutions to low libido include dietary changes, an exercise regimen, natural supplements like maca and therapy. Emotional states can also have a significant impact on women’s libido. For example, depression and anxiety can make it difficult for some women to become aroused in a normal, healthy way. Most import of all, it’s essential to relax. Any pent-up frustration or worry can make it difficult for women to experience a normal, healthy libido.

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